Collection: How to


1.Apply fungicide
(example Captain, Cabendazim)
for 15 minutes with rooting hormone
(liquinox brand)

2.Pouring mixed water into
the planting material.
not too much but needs
3.Bring plants out of
the container
and put them into water.

4.Cleaning root
with a brush softly
till no jelly from the container
around the root

5.After cleaning
the root, put the plants
into mixed water for 3-5 min.

6.Drying plants with tissue
safely and after that prepare
for our planting material.

7.Planting the plants
probably, maynot leave
the root out of the soil.

8.Finally, the last process.
Putting the pot into
the container for 3-4 weeks.
At this time you may keep
the plants inshade and avoid
strong sunlight.

1. You may write the plant's name and planting date
on the container to remind you.
2. Do not open the container, but if a plant looks so dry
you can moisture with water
(only on the soil, not onthe plants)
3.Affer planting for around 2-3 days, you may check
the plants' condition by looking for vapor around the
container(the picture below) if it has no water drop
around the container so you need to moisture with

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